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Annual Report
Results 2017
Results 2017
Financial Results
Major factors contributing to the consolidated financial result
PZU Group’s income
PZU Group’s claims paid and technical provisions
PZU Group’s acquisition and administrative expenses
PZU Group’s asset and liability structure
Contribution made by the market segments to the consolidated result
Issuer’s financial results – PZU (Polish GAAP)
Statement of profit and loss
Statement of comprehensive income
Statement of financial position
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Cash flow statement
Supplementary information and notes
1. Introduction
2. Composition of PZU Group
2.1 PZU
2.2 PZU Group entities and associates
2.3 Non-controlling interest
2.4 Changes in the scope of consolidation and structure of the PZU Group
3. Shareholder structure
4. Composition of the Management Board, Supervisory Board and PZU Group Directors
4.1 Composition of the parent company’s Management Board
4.2 Composition of the parent company’s Supervisory Board
4.3 PZU Group Directors
5. Key accounting policies, key estimates and judgments
5.1 Changes in accounting policies and estimates, errors from previous years
5.2 Amendments to the applied IFRS
5.3 Explanation of differences between the 2016 annual consolidated financial statements and these consolidated financial statements
5.4 Consolidation rules
5.5 Measurement of transactions and balances denominated in foreign currencies and FX rates used
5.6 Purchase method
5.7 Classification of insurance contracts in accordance with IFRS 4
6. Segment reporting
6.1 Reportable segments
6.2 Inter-segment settlements
6.3 Segment’s measure of profit
6.4 Accounting policies applied according to PAS
6.5 Simplifications in the segmental note
6.6 Quantitative data
6.7 Information on key customers
7. Risk management
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Organizational structure
7.3 Risk appetite, risk profile and risk tolerance
7.4 Risk identification, measurement, assessment, monitoring and reporting methods
7.5 Risk profile
7.5 Risk profile (continued)
8. Capital management
9. Fair value
9.1 Description of valuation techniques
9.2 Fair value hierarchy
9.3 Reclassification between fair value hierarchy levels
10. Gross written premiums
10.1 Accounting policy
10.2 Quantitative data
11. Revenue from commissions and fees
11.1 Accounting policy
11.2 Quantitative data
12. Net investment income
12.1 Accounting policy
12.2 Quantitative data
13. Net result on realization and impairment losses on investments
13.1 Accounting policy
13.2 Quantitative data
14. Net movement in fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value
14.1 Accounting policy
14.2 Quantitative data
15. Other operating income
16. Claims, benefits and movement in technical provisions
16.1 Accounting policy
16.2 Quantitative data
17. Fee and commission expense
18. Interest expense
18.1 Accounting policy
18.2 Quantitative data
19. Acquisition expenses
20. Administrative expenses
20.1 Accounting policy
20.2 Quantitative data
21. Employee expenses
22. Other operating expenses
23. Income tax
23.1 Accounting policy
23.2 Quantitative data
24. Earnings per share
24.1 Accounting policy
24.2 Quantitative data
25. Income tax in other comprehensive income
26. Goodwill
26.1 Accounting policy
26.2 Quantitative data
26.3 Testing for impairment
27. Intangible assets
27.1 Accounting policy
27.2 Quantitative data
28. Other assets
29. Deferred acquisition costs
29.1 Accounting policy
29.2 Quantitative data
30. Property, plant and equipment
30.1 Accounting policy
30.2 Quantitative data
31. Investment property
31.1 Accounting policy
31.2 Quantitative data
32. Entities measured by the equity method
32.1 Accounting policy
32.2 Quantitative data
32.3 Testing for impairment
33. Financial assets
33.1 Accounting policy
33.2 Financial assets held to maturity
33.3 Financial assets available for sale
33.4 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
33.5 Hedge derivatives
33.6 Loans
33.7 Impairment of financial assets and receivables
34. Receivables
35. Cash and cash equivalents
35.1 Accounting policy
35.2 Quantitative data
36. Assets held for sale
36.1 Accounting policy
36.2 Quantitative data
37. Issued share capital and other capital attributable to equity holders of the parent
37.1 Share capital
37.2 Other capital
38. Technical provisions
38.1 Accounting policy
38.2 Estimates and assumptions
38.3 Quantitative data
38.4 Technical provisions in non-life insurance
38.5 Technical provisions in life insurance
39. Provisions for employee benefits
39.1 Accounting policy
39.2 Estimates and assumptions
39.3 Quantitative data
40. Other provisions
40.1 Accounting policy
40.2 Estimates and assumptions
40.3 Quantitative data
41. Deferred tax
41.1 Accounting policy
41.2 Estimates and assumptions
41.3 Deferred tax assets
41.4 Deferred tax liability
42. Financial liabilities
42.1 Accounting policy
42.2 Quantitative data
42.3 Subordinated liabilities
42.4 Liabilities on the issue of own debt securities
42.5 Investment contracts
43. Other liabilities
44. Leasing
44.1 Accounting policy
44.2 Quantitative data
45. Assets securing receivables, liabilities and contingent liabilities
45.1 Financial assets securing liabilities
45.2 Property, plant and equipment
46. Contingent assets and liabilities
46.1 Granting of sureties or guarantees for loans by PZU or its subsidiaries
47. Disputes
47.1 Resolutions of the Ordinary Shareholder Meeting of PZU to distribute the profit earned in the financial year 2006
47.2 Proceedings conducted by the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection against PZU
47.3 Proceedings conducted by the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection against PZU Życie
47.4 Notification of PZU’s claim to the bankruptcy estate of companies of the PBG Group
47.5 Proceedings against Pekao for annulment and possibly repealing resolutions adopted by Pekao’s Shareholder Meeting
47.6 Lawsuit against Pekao and Centralny Dom Maklerski Pekao SA
48. Related party transactions
48.1 Compensation of Management Board members, senior managers and members of supervisory bodies of PZU Group
48.2 Related party transactions concluded by PZU or subsidiaries on terms other than based on the arm’s length principle
48.3 Other related party transactions
48.4 Presentation of transactions with State Treasury’s related parties
49. Headcount
50. Other information
50.1 Audit fee payable to the audit firm auditing the financial statements
50.2 Management of Pekao Pension Funds
50.3 Headcount restructuring
50.4 Alior Bank’s Second Public Bond Issue Program
50.5 Inspections in PZU by the KNF Office
50.6 Situation in Ukraine
50.7 Tax Group Agreement
50.8 Subsequent events
Results by segments
Non-recurring events
Operational efficiency ratios
Consolidated profit and loss account statement (2013-2017)
Assets and liabilities (2013-2017)
Brief description of the PZU Group
Operating model
PZU Group
Post-sales support
Responsible sales
Counteracting social exclusion
Management of the PZU Group’s brands
Group’s condition
Structure of the PZU Group
Non-life insurance (PZU, LINK4 and TUW PZUW)
Life insurance (PZU Życie)
Banking (Bank Pekao, Alior Bank)
Mutual funds (TFI PZU)
International operations
Medical services (Health Area)
Pension funds (PTE PZU)
Other operating areas
Responsible products
Cooperation with suppliers
Counteracting crime
Personal data protection
Human resource management
Work conditions
Employee development
Occupational safety and health (OSH)
Dignity of the individual
Right to association and strike
Socially-minded activities
Social commitment
Knowledge sharing
Employee volunteerism
Environmental impact
Direct impact
Indirect impact
Main trends in the Polish economy
Situation on the financial markets
Regulations pertaining to the insurance market and the financial markets in Poland
External environment in the Baltic States and Ukraine
Macroeconomic factors that can affect the operations of the Polish insurance sector and the PZU Group’s activities in 2018
Recap of Group Strategy “The New PZU – More Than Insurance”
New operating model
Main business objectives
Strategy operationalization
CSR ambitions
Support for strategy implementation
PZU Group’s policies
Pursuit of key projects and initiatives in 2017
Selected measures of the PZU Group Strategy “PZU 2020”
Equities and bonds
Equities and bonds
PZU on the capital and debt markets
Equity and bond market
PZU’s share price
Debt financing
Banking sector on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
PZU’s investor relations
Analysts’ recommendations regarding PZU stock
PZU Group’s Capital and Dividend Policy
Calendar of major corporate events in 2018
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
Corporate governance principles applied by PZU
Application of Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies
EBI – current reports about corporate governance
Application of Corporate Governance Rules for Regulated Institutions
System of control in the process of preparing financial statements
An auditing company that audits financial statements
Share capital and PZU shareholders; shares owned by members of its governing bodies
PZU’s Articles of Association
Shareholder Meeting, Supervisory Board and Management Board
Compensation of the members of governing bodies
Diversity policy applied to the issuer’s administrative, managing and supervising bodies
Counteracting corruption
Objective of risk management
Risk management system
Risk appetite
Risk management process
PZU Group’s risk profile
Social risks
Environmental risks
Employee risks
Risks related to respect for human rights
Risks related to counteracting corruption
Sensitivity to risk
Reinsurance operations
Capital management
23. Income tax
Annual Report 2017
Results 2017
Supplementary information and notes
23. Income tax
Reference Areas:
Best Pratices in PZU
Section includes:
23.1 Accounting policy
23.2 Quantitative data
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