The PZU Group’s share in the non-life insurance market is 35.7%
Strong position in insurance with a periodic premium with a market share of 45.8% (+0.7 p.p. y/y, the highest level since 2010)
Group model based on a comprehensive offering in the insurance, finance and health area
2000 outlets at the disposal of clients in the health insurance and medical care services provided by the PZU Group
Strong market position in motor insurance, including direct activity with a market share of 38.4%
Pekao ranked 2nd and Alior Bank ranked 8th in terms of accumulated assets
We appreciate that the leader’s role is to set the highest standards for the entire industry. We discharge this function not only by observing a number of codes but also by working continuously on their improvement. We believe that this is part of the sagacious changes we can contribute to the world that surrounds us.