PZU reduces risks in the environmental area chiefly by applying the following solutions:
- Generating proper habits among employees, e.g. in the area of electricity saving (turning off workstations after a day’s work) and reasonable management of office supplies (best practices in reducing the volume of printed materials: “Be green, keep it on the screen!”);
- Switching from the purchase of a number of hard copies of newspapers and journals to their electronic versions;
- Taking into account the environmental impact criterion as part of the procurement process, as a consequence of which many cars in PZU’s fleet have a hybrid drive and a significant portion of office equipment is energy-efficient (monitors, printers);
- Reducing exhaust emissions by reducing fuel consumption (introducing fuel limits on fleet cards), promoting environmentally friendly driving and taking action to encourage employees to travel by public transport;
- Installing the latest generation water dispensers which, in addition to standard temperature adjustment options (cooling and heating), offer a sparkling water dispensing option, which will significantly affect the volume of orders for bottled sparkling water in PET packaging;
- Recycling all packaging (card boxes from stationary materials, toner packaging, card boxes with forms) as separators for boxes and packaging for agent forms;
- Selective waste collection in the PZU Group’s buildings: printer toners, furniture as fully processed waste, electronic equipment (computers, memory boards, cables, RAM, household appliances and audio/video devices, monitors, files), HDD drivers and others;
- Segregating and handing over used printing cartridges and faulty devices (printers and copiers) to appropriate entities for recycling;
- Running regular collections of used business mobile phones and modems, and handing them over to specialist entities collecting materials for recycling.